

Talented students

The Institutional Program for the Development of University-Level Undergraduate Talent is part of UANL's strategic programs and is under the purview of the Academic Secretary, through the Office of the Undergraduate Studies System (DEL).

The purpose is to encourage academically outstanding students to engage in activities and learning experiences that foster their own personal and professional development, as well as that of the institution and their community.


What's the process for program enrollment?

Check Annual Call to join the program, you'll be able to learn about the requirements, benefits, responsibilities, as well as additional information that you'll have access to as a part of this group.

The documents for application and follow-up must be submitted through the School's Talent Program Coordination.

Once applied, the Office of Undergraduate Studies (DEL) will announce the results to the accepted students at the Faculty for their publication.

Head Dirección del Sistema de Estudios de Licenciatura

UANL Excelencia